On Thursday, WhatsApp added voice message transcripts. This is handy if you’re in a noisy environment (or if you prefer to read rather than listen), and will play back on your device so they remain encrypted and private.
To set them up, go to Settings > Chats > Voice Memos Transcripts and enable this feature. There you can also choose your preferred language. Once set up, you can decrypt a message by long pressing on it and selecting “decrypt”.
This feature will be rolled out globally over the coming weeks, so you may not see it right away. WhatsApp says that message transcriptions are only launching in “a few select languages,” but the company plans to add more in the coming months.
Meta, WhatsApp’s parent company, has apparently dedicated this week to new messaging features. On Wednesday, Messenger added the ability to leave an audio or video message if a call goes unanswered. Messenger also introduced background images for video calls with artificial intelligence, HD video calls, background noise reduction, and voice isolation.