Microsoft will release Surface Pro 10 and Surface Laptop 6 based on the Snapdragon X series on May 20. We have been hearing about this development for a long time. But it turns out that Microsoft is not the only company that has announced its new Windows on Arm machine based on the new Snapdragon X series chips. ASUS has officially confirmed that it will be joining the virtual presentation on May 20, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time.
The launch event will be a joint project of Qualcomm Microsoft and ASUS. Other manufacturers, such as Lenovo, may also join the event with their contribution to the Windows on Arm platform.
The slogan of the upcoming presentation from ASUS is as follows: “The next level. Incredible Artificial Intelligence”. The company is focusing on “innovative AI features” as well as improved performance of its new Windows on Arm computer. According to the company, it will be an “ultra-portable” premium laptop.
During the virtual presentation, ASUS will be accompanied by prominent speakers from industry giants such as Qualcomm and Microsoft, who are likely to focus on the benefits of the Windows on Arm platform and the introduction of artificial intelligence into PCs. The event will also discuss the companies’ joint efforts to rejuvenate the Arm-based platform.
For those who are not familiar with the development, there are two new processors based on Qualcomm’s Arm – Snapdragon X Elite and the slightly more affordable Snapdragon X Plus. The X Elite chip is equipped with 12 Qualcomm Oryon processor cores, while the X Plus has 10. The latter also operates at a slightly lower clock speed. Judging by the test lists available today, as well as those demonstrated by Qualcomm itself, performance and energy efficiency look promising.
However, there was not much information about how (under what conditions) the tests were conducted, and there were reports that some of the capabilities demonstrated by the company could be misleading. Nevertheless, we will soon see how the new chips work in real life when laptop manufacturers equip their devices with them.