With Diia, you don’t need to go somewhere to create a digital signature and then carry a flash drive with you. Everything is in your smartphone 24/7. Signing an important contract, petition, or accessing a government website in a few clicks is easy with Diya.Signature.
More and more people are using the Diia.Signature service. The service has already been used more than 30 million times.
What do you use Diia.signature for most often?
- Authorization on websites and applications
- receive services in Diia
- signing documents and petitions
Why it is convenient
Documents certified by Diia.Signature have the same legal force as those signed by hand. And it’s fast and convenient. It is also safe and reliable. A handwritten signature can be forged, but Diia.Signature cannot.
“We create products that make life easier and save you time. There’s more to come,” the developers say.
The development of Diia.Signature and the development of Ukraine’s electronic identification system are part of the EU4DigitalUA and DT4UA projects funded by the European Union. The projects are implemented by the Academy of Electronic Governance (Estonia).