Marking its return after a two-year hiatus, Realme is set to relaunch its smartwatch lineup with the Realme Watch S2. The smartwatch was recently spotted in the FCC database under the model number RMW2401. Now, thanks to a leak from Ishan Agarwal, images of the Watch S2’s box have emerged that show what it will look like.
The image shows that the S2 has a classic round design. The watch promises the basic fitness tracking features, but adds new features such as Bluetooth calling and audio playback that were not present in the original Watch S released in 2020. The watch has a digital crown and button on the side, as well as a metal link strap. The FCC listing showed that it has a 380 mAh battery and supports 5W charging.
While other details remain a secret for now, it is more than likely that the smartwatch will not feature Google’s Wear OS operating system. Ishaan Agarwal says that the smartwatch will be launched in India alongside the Realme 13 Pro series of smartphones, which are scheduled to debut on July 30. While we wait for more details about the smartwatch, you can check out the specifications of its predecessor to get an idea of what to expect.
Realme Watch S
The Watch S features a 1.3-inch round LCD touchscreen panel with a 360 x 360 resolution, an aluminum body, and a detachable strap. The 390 mAh battery provides up to 20 days of battery life, but lacks GPS connectivity. The watch supports Bluetooth 5.0 and is compatible with Android and iOS devices.
The watch features multiple sport modes, downloadable watch faces, call and message notifications, phone locator, remote camera, music control, heart rate sensor, blood oxygen monitor, 3-axis accelerometer, and a vibration rotor motor.