A day after its official arrival in India, the OnePlus Watch 2 is finally available in North America, the UK, and Europe. The 46 mm smartwatch is available in two color variants: shining steel and black steel. The OnePlus Watch 2 has more pre-orders registered than its predecessor, i.e. the OnePlus Watch. Some good introductory offers are ongoing for the US, Canadian, UK, and European markets.
Interested parties in the United States can purchase the OnePlus Watch 2 for $299, and receive an additional $50 discount on any used device in any condition. In addition, there is an additional 10% discount for students. There is also an exclusive 10% off coupon in the OnePlus Store app. There is an additional 30% discount on any add-ons you purchase with the smartwatch. Potential buyers can also purchase OnePlus Watch 2 on Amazon with similar offers.
A similar promotion is ongoing in Canada, where OnePlus Watch 2 is on sale for CAD 399. Users can get a discount of up to CAD 60 when they hand in any old device. At the same time, if you have an old smartphone, smartwatch, tablet, or other digital device, the discount increases. In addition, there are the same 10% discounts for students, as well as a 10% coupon if you buy through the OnePlus Store app.
For enthusiasts in the UK, the OnePlus Watch 2 is priced at around £269.00 for a limited time. OnePlus is offering a free OnePlus Nord Buds 2 earbud with the purchase. An additional 10% student discount is available for eligible buyers. An additional 10% discount on add-ons.
On the European continent, the OnePlsu Watch 2 is sold for 299.00 euros, measures 46 mm, and is equipped with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Users in Germany and France can purchase it for €299.00.
OnePlus Watch 2: specifications and features
The Chinese electronics manufacturer unveiled the OnePlus Watch 2 at MWC 2024 a week ago. It features a 1.43-inch AMOLED display with a peak brightness of 600 nits. The smartwatch runs Google Wear OS 4 based on the Qualcomm Snapdragon W5 SoC and the BES 2700 MCU energy efficiency chip. In addition, the watch is equipped with a 500 mAh battery, which lasts approximately 48 hours with intensive use. It can charge 7.5W VOOC in just 60 minutes.