Google, will present its flagship smartwatch in October. The search giant’s next-generation Pixel Watch 3 has appeared in the form of leaked renders thanks to the reliable source Onleaks. The images and 360-degree video give us our first look at the wearable device. Some tidbits of the Pixel Watch 3 have already appeared recently.
According to the leaked CAD renders, Google Pixel Watch 3 will retain the overall design of its predecessor. This is a round bezel-less display and a black strap with a clasp mechanism. We can notice some minor differences, including the increased size of the rotating crown. The case seems a bit thicker than the Pixel Watch 2. This is also confirmed by Onleaks. As for the dimensions, the source mentions that the upcoming novelty will have dimensions of 40.79 x 40.73 x 14 mm compared to 41 x 41 x 12.3 mm for its predecessor.
The increase in thickness of the Pixel Watch 3 may be due to the larger battery capacity – 307 mAh (Pixel 2 has 304 mAh), as indicated on the Dekra and Safety Korea certification sites.
Pixel Watch 3 will be equipped with a 1.2-inch display. It runs on the Wear OS operating system. There is a physical button on the right side of the smartwatch. On the other side, there is also a larger notch that may indicate a speaker grille.
There are rumors that the Google Pixel Watch 3 may come with a larger watch face size than the 41mm variant. It is also expected to feature ultra-broadband connectivity for improved watch unlocking functionality and more.