Academy of Electronic Governance announces tender for SSU’s UI


Within the framework of the EU-funded DT4UA project, the Academy of Electronic Governance (Estonia) announces a tender for the procurement of services to create a Unified Information Interaction System of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU UIS).

The system is needed to ensure electronic interaction of the SSU with state authorities, local self-government, business, international and foreign organizations.

The main tasks of the SSU UIS:

  • electronic exchange of information between the SSU and system participants to protect state sovereignty and the constitutional order of Ukraine;
  • providing access to state information resources with appropriate restrictions established by law;
  • searching for factual data to stop unlawful acts and ensure criminal proceedings;
  • integration of SSU information systems with other state systems.

СБУ ліквідувала ботоферму з 3 тисячами фейкових акаунтів

The project includes the development of the Unified Information Interaction System of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU UIS) and the creation of tools for the exchange of information between the participating systems connected to the Electronic Interaction System of State Information Resources (EISIR).

Bids will be accepted until 13:00, August 28, 2024.

Find out the details of participation on the Estonian public procurement portal.


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